jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

The Family

Sometimes we feel our family is not very normal at all...


This session's contens:

- Vocabulary of the family.

- Possessive Adjectives

- Adjectives (opposites and similars).

- Saxon Genitive

- Verb "To have" and introduction to Simple Present Tense.

  This exercise will be evaluated next Monday Apr 21st.

Personal Pronoun      Possessive Adjectives

I                                   My
You                              Your
He                                His
She                              Her
It                                  Its
We                               Our
You                              Your
They                            Their

 Verb "To have" in affirmative Simple Present tense

I            have
You       have
She       has
We        have
You       have

  Verb "To have" in negative Simple Present tense

I       don't     have    any           car
You  don't     have     any           apartment
She  doesn't  have    any           brothers or sisters
We   don't     have    any           money
You               have    any           time

Saxon Genitive

My dad's car is blue
July's boyfriend is tall
Olive's daughter is 4 years old
Sam is Vicky's brother

Saxon Genitive is a possessive form. We use it with apostrophe 's. We only use saxon genitive with persons (people). We don't use Saxon Genitives with objects or animals. Only people

The house's  yard (INCORRECT).

In the case of plurals and words that end with letter s, we put the apostrophe at the end:

Carlos' wife is nice.
The kids' toys are on the floor.
Mary and Joseph are Jesus' parents

With more than one subject:

Matt and Jane's children are 5 and 7 years old
Paul and Lisa's home is in New Jersey  

Vocabulary of the family

More resources about the family


To do this exercise you have to imagine a family meal and make a list with the participants in it. Describe the members of this family. Use adjectives, colors, prepositions, age, nationalities, occupations. Use the verb "to have" and saxon genitives if necessary.


This is Susy's family reunion*. Susy's family is big and noisy. Susy is a model. She's blond and thn. She's 19 years old. She's from New York. She's a Newyorker. Susy is young and quiet. Susy has two brothers and one sister. She's the middle-child. Susy's father is a clerk. He's 48 years old. He's Irish. He's from Ireland. He's bossy and angry. Susy's mom is sweet.

*Reunion : an act of getting people together again after they have been apart : an act of reuniting
: an organized gathering of people who have not been together for a long time


What adjectives can you use to define these family members? Be creative!

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