On Health and Travelling http://bemusedbackpacker.com/travel-tips/travel-health/
What's the difference between illness and disease?
Disease is not used about a period of illness:
Also, a summary of what Wikipedia says on the difference:
Illness, although often used to mean disease, can also refer to a person’s perception of their health, regardless of whether they in fact have a disease. A person without any disease may feel unhealthy and simply have the perception of having a disease. Another person may feel healthy with similar perceptions of perfectly good health.
Disease can be thought of as the presence of pathology, which can occur with or without subjective feelings of being unwell or social recognition of that state. Illness as the subjective state of “unwellness” can occur independently of, or in conjunction with, disease or sickness.
Source: http://danienglish.com.br/2012/10/11/what%C2%B4s-the-difference-between-illness-and-disease/
Some common phrases at the doctor:
There are tons of diseases, illnesses and health conditions. Some of them are:
The Flu:
The most common disease in the planet. It affects the lungs, the nose, the eyes and the throat. Symptoms: runny nose, sore throat, cough, general weakness, red eyes.
Treatment suggested: Rest, many liquids, take Vitamin C, eat and drink foods plenty of Vitamin C (broccoli, oranges, lemons, spinach, etc).
Very common in athletes and children. Organs and parts of the body affected: legs, arms, hands, back, shoulders, forearms, calp, wrist, ankle, etc.
Treatment suggested: Rest, analgesyc pills. In some cases, patients must wear a plaster or use a crutch.
Terminal Illnesses: Illnesses with no cure found yet. Terminal Cancer, Venereal diseases such as HIV-Aids and Hepatitis C enter in this cathegory
Mental Illnesses:
Health is not only considered in the physical body, but also in the emotions. Depression is considered the main illness in the current world. There are several mental diseases nowadays such as:
Anxiety Syndrom
Bipolar Syndrom
Anorexia and Bulimia eating disorders
Anger management
Treatments suggested: Assistance with a psychiatrist or psychologist (shrink, in street language).
Some basic diseases in the nose:
Common diseases in the skin:
Some basic diseases in the throat:
More vocabulary:
There are many weird diseases with funny names
Chickenpox is very common in children
Stress is the disease of the 21st Century
It has been recently discovered that emotions and cases unsolved are the main cause in any disease. Factors such as bad eating habits, sedentarism, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, bad hygiene and bad sleeping habits can bring a disease as a consequence.
Good human relationships, a healthy diet, regular consume of water, exercise, good sleeping habits (minimum 8 hours daily), and hygiene prevent from diseases in general.
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